Spiritual Growth

Explore the many ways to connect, learn, and serve at MABC

Our Ministries

Adult Christian Education

This ministry meets on Sunday mornings with the purpose of equipping the saints for service to God and neighbors. Gifted men and women teach classes on books of the Bible and on subjects that pertain to living a life that is pleasing to God. There are several classes to choose from and a new class begins each quarter of the year. Learn more about what classes are currently offered on our Events page.


The apologetics ministry exists to equip and train Christians to defend the Christian faith and to provide answers to non-Christians. We bring in speakers on an annual basis for a weekend conference.


MABC's Awana Ministry is fun with a purpose — to reach and train kids for Jesus Christ. The goal of Awana is to reach boys and girls for Christ and train them to serve Him, using a program that is distinctively Christian and Bible-centered. The club meetings are open to all.

  • Cubbies is for ages 3 and 4.
  • Sparks is for Kindergarten–Grade 2.
  • Truth & Training (T&T) is for Grades 3–6.
  • Trek is for Grades 7-8.
  • Journey is for Grades 9-12.

Awana meets Wednesday nights, 6:45 – 8:15 PM, from September through May. 

Bible Studies

There are several Bible studies taking place within the church; attendants range from only women to only men to full families. If you’re interested in attending one of these Bible studies and don’t know how to find it, ask any of the Pastors or Elders and they will put you in touch with one of the study leaders.

Biblical Counseling

The Biblical Counseling Ministry is a free resource that allows members and their children to experience hope, healing, and spiritual growth as they face challenges and trials. The Biblical counseling you receive at MABC will be Christ-centered (Colossians 1:15-20), Biblically-based with truth and grace (John 1:14), Spirit-led (John 6:36), prayer-saturated (Colossians 4:2), and community-oriented (Hebrews 10:24-25). We desire to help you meet life's challenges in a way that will please and honor the Lord Jesus Christ and allow you to fully enjoy His love for you and His plans for your life. 

Children’s Church / MABC Kids

We seek to provide children with an environment where they can learn about God through songs, skits, Bible lessons, and much more during our church services. We also take your child's safety very seriously and use a safe-check system to ensure that you and only you can pick up your child at the end of the service.

Christian School (Preschool–Grade 12)

Mount Airy Christian Academy (MACA) provides a Christian education for grades Preschool through Grade 12. The school is a ministry of Mount Airy Bible Church and is centered on God’s Word.

Elderly Care

This ministry meets every Wednesday night at Pleasant View Nursing Home and provides a time to share the gospel through prayer, music and a devotion of God’s Word.

Embrace Life

Embrace Life exists to educate, equip, and empower women and men to make abundant, life-affirming choices. We do so by compassionately sharing the truth of Christ’s love with and supporting women and men facing unplanned pregnancies and family planning decisions, to provide hope, healing, security, and freedom and by supporting Care Net Pregnancy Center of Frederick as a co-laborer in this mission. 

Faith Groups

Our small group ministry, called Faith Groups, gather monthly (at a minimum) and exist to provide opportunities for increased fellowship among our church family. Faith groups are small groups of 6-8 adults (plus children) who gather for food, fellowship, sharing, and prayer. Other options include small groups just for men, women, ages 18-29, etc. We aim to provide fellowship, connection, care, and accountability following the New Testament model shown in Acts 2:42-47.

Food Bank

Open the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month after the service. Please use the lower rear entrance on the far side of the building.

Home School

Our homeschool ministry, Mount Airy Christian Family Academy (MACFA), is open to members of the church.

Men's Ministry

Men With a Mission

This three-year program is designed to better equip the men of the church to be strong disciples of Jesus Christ. We desire all of the men of the church to go through this series of classes, and from this group we work on developing leadership in our church. Classes cover salvation, devotions, prayer, evangelism, disciple-making, and all key areas to help us be men of God.

Men’s Small Groups 

Koinonia. This Greek word appears more than 20 times in the Bible. It means “fellowship, sharing in common, communion.” Believers in Christ are to come together in love, faith, and encouragement.

There are also over 70 “one another” statements in the New Testament. For example, we are told to love one another, be devoted to one another, serve one another, carry one another’s burdens, be patient with one another, forgive one another, teach one another, admonish one another, encourage one another, confess to one another, pray for and with one another, etc.

We believe men must be connected with and do life with other men. Men need to be in community with other men. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, one man sharpens another.”

Men’s Breakfast

Join us once a month on a Saturday morning as we intentionally focus on large scale fellowship over breakfast and devotionals. Bring a dish to share, a friend, or an empty stomach. Breakfast begins at 8 AM. The current schedule is listed on our Events page.

Men’s Retreats

Our Men’s Retreats give you a chance to pause from your daily life, reconnect with God’s Word, and engage with your family and church. These multi-day events are designed to help men deepen their faith and strengthen their relationships with other men at MABC. 


The Missions Committee focuses on the support of missionaries locally and overseas. They also determine which missionaries we support and how we support them.


Mount Airy Bible Church’s music team exists to identify and train musicians to serve God skillfully and humbly. The music team is a diverse group that includes a Sunday morning music team, Christmas and Easter choirs, and various small ensembles that include vocal and contemporary groups. Our sound is current with today’s contemporary music, but we also acknowledge the rich lyrics and history of hymns and sing them as well.


Our nursery provides care for children from infant up to age three during Sunday worship services and Sunday school. Nursery is also available during some special events. We look forward to providing a safe, loving environment.

Special Needs / ABLE

The acronym ABLE represents our belief that All Believers Live Eternally. Our mission is to empower ALL believers to participate in our church community while knowing they belong and are loved by Jesus. The ABLE Ministry supports individuals and families so they can grow in faith and actively participate in all areas of church life, including worship, fellowship, and service. Some of the tools in our toolbox include:

  • Providing someone for a friend relationship during routine church activities,
  • Creating a separate area for sensory breaks,
  • Providing spiritual care and fellowship opportunities for individuals and families, and
  • Working with ministry leaders on handling a child’s unique needs and creating inclusive opportunities for fellowship and service.

To learn more about how we can help your child with special needs, please complete the registration form.


This team provides financial coaching, career assessments, small group studies, and other equipping venues for promoting the stewardship lifestyle. Resources include Larry Burkett’s material and Crown Financial Ministries.

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is an annual week-long summer evening event geared towards kids three years old to 6th grade.

Women’s Ministry

The MABC Women’s Ministry exists to glorify God by encouraging women through discipleship, fellowship, and ministry opportunities. Our goal is to equip women for Christian service within the body and the community. If you have any questions about the Women’s Ministry or would like to get involved in some of our upcoming events, please check our Events page or contact the Women's Ministry by email.


The purpose of our Youth ministry is to equip teenagers to minister to their peers through evangelism, outreach, and relationships for the building up of the body. The ministry is comprised of 6th–12th grade students.

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