We have been saved by grace through faith in Christ.
We love God and love one another.
We are called to be students and study the Word.
We want to reach the world with the amazing message of the gospel.
Check our beliefs page for details on our faith statement.
Our services usually start with prayer, move into 15-20 minutes of worship, and then 40-45 minutes of preaching from the Bible.
The worship is generally contemporary, led by a few singers and a band. Most of the time, we’ll project the song lyrics onto a screen, but a few times a year, we’ll break out the hymnals for a special communion service.
Pastor Wally likes to preach expositionally through books of the Bible, but inside each verse or paragraph, he will take on a more topical approach to some of the keywords.
At the end of the service, we close by giving everyone a minute to fill out a Connection Card, which asks for any prayer requests, praises, and/or next steps that you’d like to take spiritually.
We periodically add relevant testimonies and sometimes take the entire service for praise and prayer.
We do our best to avoid any awkwardness for first-time guests. We don’t make you stand, shout your name, or pretend to be someone you’re not.
But we will do our best as individuals to say hi and offer any assistance you may need. We are a friendly church, and we love to meet new people.
Freshly brewed coffee awaits you as you enter.
We also have a free, no-strings-attached gift for you when you leave.
You’ll be greeted as you enter the building and handed a bulletin.
Restrooms and child check-in stations are available in the Upper & Lower Lobbies. A volunteer will help you check in your children and get your family to the drop-off location for our children’s ministries.
Hot coffee and tea are available between services. We proudly brew Baltimore Blend coffee from a local roaster, Baltimore Coffee & Tea.
You can also be assured of your safety here; we have a full security team and a Good Samaritan medical team.
When you enter our parking lot, head all the way down to the bottom of the hill, where you see the cross steeple. Once inside, you'll walk through our Lower Lobby, past our Coffee Bar, and into a multi-purpose room, which functions as a gym during the school week and as a worship center on Sundays.
Every Sunday, you will see a variety of clothing. While you might see a few women in dresses or skirts and a few guys might wear a coat and/or tie, many will wear some business casual attire. Quite a few will be wearing jeans.
MABC uses a secure check-in system for children ages 0-9 who attend our Sunday morning children’s programs. Our greeters in the lobby will be glad to assist you in getting your child(ren) registered and showing you the right rooms for each child.
Note: Please plan to arrive at least 10 minutes early for your first visit so we have time to register your children before the service starts!
Nursery, ages 0-2: The nursery is available for families attending either Sunday morning service or Sunday School.
Children, ages 3-9: Our children’s church program, MABC Kids, is available during the 8:30 and 11:00 AM worship services. During the Sunday School hour, we have age-appropriate classes with both a teacher and an adult aide in the classroom.
Children, ages 10-17: We encourage parents with older children to have them attend the worship services with you. We also have age-appropriate Sunday School classes for our children. Since our building is pretty full on a Sunday, our greeting team will help you get everyone to the right location!
Special Needs: We also have a special needs ministry called ABLE. Options include sensory break areas, 1:1 buddies, and more. To learn more, visit the registration page.
MABC’s Promise: We want your children to be safe, and we want you to feel safe in trusting us with your children. All of our volunteers working with children must pass an annual background check, and they can be easily identified on a Sunday morning by a nametag. Once onsite, if you have any questions or concerns, please let an usher or security team member know immediately.
What’s great about our church family is that almost everyone is willing to say hello and help get new people connected. We have tons of people ready and willing to help — greeters at the doors, volunteers at our Coffee Bar, ushers in the aisles, and, as you leave, a pastor at the main lobby exit.
Also, at the end of each service, we pause to fill out a Connection Card if you want to be more discreet in contacting us. Everything on those cards is kept confidential unless you tell us otherwise. Connection Cards can be handed to any usher or put in the offering box as you exit.
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“And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.”
Colossians 1:18 (NKJV)