Men's Ministry

The men’s ministry at MABC exists to equip men with the truth, foster deep community, and produce mature disciples.

Men's Ministry Vision:

  • Equipping men with the truth (2nd Timothy 3:16-17). We want to train men in the ways of the Lord by teaching them to know God, seek God, and meditate on His Word.
  • Fostering deep community (Hebrews 10:24-25). We want men to be intimately involved in a meaningful community where they can be vulnerable, find accountability, and seek righteousness together.
  • Producing mature disciples (Matthew 28:19-20; Colossians 1:18). We want men to take become disciple-makers who help other men run the race set before them.

    This three-year program is designed to equip the church’s men to be strong disciples of Jesus Christ. We desire that all of our men go through this series of classes, and from this group, we work on developing future leaders in our church. Topics include salvation, devotions, prayer, evangelism, disciple-making, and many other vital areas to help us be men of God.

    Pastor Wally’s book, Christ Will Build His Church, helps jump-start this class.

    As the church continues to advance through the generations, The Great Commission is falling into great disarray, and discipleship has almost become obsolete. Leadership is dwindling, and most churches are trying to repair this lack of leadership in the wrong way. This book calls us to return to what Jesus commanded His disciples to do through The Great Commission. It does not just explain the importance of the Commission; it maps out a detailed strategy for making this call work in the local church. It is essential to realize that few churches are doing anything to train their leaders. This book offers an attempt to be faithful to Jesus’s Great Commission. Christ Will Build His Church gets back to the basics, takes the principles clearly outlined in Scripture, and argues that they are still valid today.


    Koinonia. This Greek word appears more than 20 times in the Bible. It means “fellowship, sharing in common, communion.”  Believers in Christ are to come together in love, faith, and encouragement.

    There are also over 70 “one another” statements in the New Testament. For example, we are told to love one another, be devoted to one another, serve one another, carry one another’s burdens, be patient with one another, forgive one another, teach one another, admonish one another, encourage one another, confess to one another, pray for and with one another, etc.

    Joining a men’s small group will give you the opportunity to be part of a biblical community, experience the benefits of accountability, and strengthen your faith with other like-minded men.


    Join us once a month on a Saturday morning as we intentionally focus on large-scale fellowship over breakfast and devotionals. Bring a dish to share, a friend, or an empty stomach. Breakfast begins at 8 AM. Check the Events page for the next breakfast and to sign up.


    Our Men’s Retreats give you a chance to pause from your daily life, reconnect with God’s Word, and engage with your family and church. 

    These multi-day events are designed to help men deepen their faith and strengthen their relationships with other men at MABC.

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