Faith Groups

At Mount Airy Bible Church, we believe in the power of community to encourage one another to love and good works. We have a variety of Faith Groups in many locations for members at all stages of life.


The Faith Group ministry promotes Christian maturity through fellowship, connection, care, and accountability, following the example of the early church in Acts 2:42-47, to encourage, serve, and reach the world for Christ with one another.

  • If you are a member of MABC, please choose from the open groups listed below or contact us for assistance in finding just the right group.
  • If you are not a member — you worship with us and want to get connected but have not yet joined in official membership — please check out Church Membership on our Events page to explore membership by attending our next membership class. 
  • If you have not yet attended a worship service, we’d love to have you join us this Sunday so we can get to know you!

    Demographics:  Young Families

    Meeting Time:  2nd Friday of each Month

    Meeting Place:  Ijamsville

  • AL & DEBBIE F.

    Demographics:  Mixed Adult

    Meeting Time:  2nd & 4th Sundays, 5 PM

    Meeting Place:  Ijamsville


    Demographics:  Families / Special Needs

    Meeting Time:  Monthly

    Meeting Place:  Mount Airy


    Demographics:  Younger Families

    Meeting Time:  1st Weekend of the Month

    Meeting Place:  Mount Airy


    Demographics:  Mixed Adult

    Meeting Time:  1st & 3rd Sundays, 1 PM

    Meeting Place:  Mount Airy

Not sure which group to choose? Or want to start your own? We're looking to expand our Faith Group ministry to include common interests or hobbies, such as watercoloring, robotics, photography, gardening, or dog walking. We'd love to hear from you!

Faith Group Interest Form
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